Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Verdict and The Learning Curve

It took me 24 months to learn and accept the term called 'Sharing'.
My mom thought I was a slow learner. I told her today, our country took 60 years and is still under the process. She says, "you are still a slow learner, its been 10 years since the first time I introduced you to the term called Politics".

Saturday, September 18, 2010


How much you brooded inside
How much you bled

Your only demand was to be treated equally
Your only demand was to be heard

Your only demands were so silent
That your own conscious wept inside you
The weeping was loud yet unheard
And the demands un-granted

Once in a while
Came through a translator
He conveyed your feelings
He conveyed your pain

He was unheard or caved in the prison
Abolished from the herd
He fought for you
Or his conscious

But you never rose for yourself
The half of you is still waiting to be rescued
Waiting to be guided
Waiting to be lead

You ask the lord when will it end
Or will it ever
I pray to the same lord everyday
To make it over

Then I go behind the idol
Whisper secretly in his ears
That the day you listen to my first wish
Also grant me one other

I don’t want to see that day alive
I don’t want to be the one deprived
As the era of male domination will end
A peaceful yet brutal revenge it will send

Am I a male chauvinist?
Yes I am I behest
But it’s better than being
The dead descendent of a powerful sect