Monday, September 24, 2012

Thinking Spot

Which place do you feel is best suited for thinking?
A place which will provide the perfect ambiance required for the grey cells in your brain to activate and carry the right amount of electrons from a place to another (dear science geeks, please forgive me for this blasphemy), or just a place where you can feel at peace. A place outside which you can park all your worries and enter relaxed.

For me such place is the Washroom. If you are done doing all that 'ewww, yuck, gross' etc. let me also state that this is the best place in a house where you can do everything except Food related stuff. You can virtually do anything inside a washroom, may it be reading, writing, chatting, texting, office work, con-call, snoozing, playing a musical instrument or net banking, day dreaming, retirement planning, crying, and thinking.

If Newton would've been reading in the washroom with a book in his hand then he might have discovered the gravity there as well. Some people find it just a place to dump a few things, but I feel you can actually dump much more than that (folks, I am talking about mental stress and worries).

The theory of 'Place for everything and everything in its place' somehow contradicts this theory of doing anything inside washroom, but then who says that you can only eat on the dining table? you can eat in living room, bedroom, terrace, stairs, veranda or patio anywhere you please.

I can say, this theory has reasoning scientifically as well. Since you are getting relieved inside this particular place there is a certain amount of calm and comfort which can help your mind relax.

Give it a try, if it doesn't work for you, just flush the idea :)


  1. i thnk washroom is d place wer u get all creative ideas.....;) n 4 me even i can take food over der......:P

  2. Yes creative ideas, certainly....Food, ewwww......

  3. To be specific, Indian style washroom makes my dreams more creative ;)


Lemme know what you think.....